Member of the #SocialSexRevolution since: June, 04 2015

Lynn: She/Her    Andre: He/Him    

Captivated By:

Those who have lived with sexual freedom and are still experiencing new ways to enjoy sex.

Can’t live without:

Each other. We are best friends who get to be lovers.

Deeply grateful for:

A clearing of the mind, and a new found freedom to explore our sexuality together. Time is so fleeting that the moment is priceless.

Solo Play while Andre is on a call

Winter POV Quickie

Erotic Fiction Christmas Gift and Fingering

New York City Inspiration

Masturbation Sunday

Vegas Birthday Action

You Work I Will Watch

Summer POV

Sex in Pink

Quarantine Quickie: Christening the New Bed

Getaway Surprise

One of the benefits...

Growing up Christian

A Christmas Gift

This was a tough one

The MakeUp

We started a leisure-filled morning...

This is our first video.