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Handsome and Sweet Pea



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RealWorldSexTime: 17 minutes

We were hanging out together on a Friday night in our office. It was one of our 'rest' nights where we were not planning on having sex since we had stayed up late a few nights in a row, which had wiped us out. We're always very silly, Sweet Pea especially. There may or may not have been some wine involved, we can't remember. When Sweet Pea got up to use the bathroom, she pulled her pants down to flash me. With her pants around her ankles, she started being silly and playful, dancing around in a circle. Then, distracted by my naked body she plops her head into my lap! (Weather permitting we're nude around the house, which can be quite convenient for our fun.) At first, she wasn't planning on a blowjob and I didn't think I was even up for one, but we just got a little carried away! Things got intense when she surprised me with a very pleasurable prostate massage while sucking me! Amazing. The video unfortunately is a little dark and grainy because this was completely spontaneous. I grabbed my phone real quick just to record her cute silliness, and had no idea that I was about to have my cock sucked! We hope you enjoy!


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