That was filled with frustrations. All the plans had failed until...we realized we had the opportunity for a sex art session. A bit of lingerie, dildo and hormones and there we were have sex slowly and blissfully.
Libellule and I partnered a long time ago in an attempt to look at sexuality with different eyes. The present video shows us having sex in front of Guillemin railway station. The green screen effect is not perfect but the atmosphere is bizarre enough. We enjoyed a lot the whole process. We are happy to share the results with the MNLP community.
Lejla and I share a tantalizing taste for lingerie. It is a tremendous turn on and we use and abuse it. The recording of our sexual actions is also developing in a kind of addiction and you may expect more videos soon.
We had a new S couch and we wanted to use new accessories. Finally, the editing process led to a creativity burst extremely fulfilling. We hope you will enjoy as much as we did.
As you all noticed we were in very artistic kinky mood. We spent time to paint the bodies and set the black light on. A lot of extra shooting decorate the original frame. It is a ballet as much as a sex session. We hope you enjoy it. Please comment even if you don't like it.
I love stockings and Lejla share this attraction. We enjoy more and more our shootings and the MLNP community. The spoon position is perfect for us, easy and lots of possibilities to play with the hands. Enjoy it
Cheche and I enjoy a very deep communication even if we don't meet as often as we want. She lives in the Philippines and I live in Belgium. This video was recorded during my last visit in the Philippines. We have been a bit reluctant to share it until now but we understand better the social sex revolution now and we are happy to be part of it.
Samia and I are outdoors fans and we find usually beautiful sceneries where to satisfy us sexually and artistically. Beauty had a special time with us. We hope you will agree.
Samia and I are outdoors fans and we find usually beautiful sceneries where to satisfy us sexually and artistically. Beauty had a special time with us. We hope you will agree.
Jo and Andy found my previous videos very exciting and they requested me to organize a special shooting for them. We choose a city park at the middle of the night. I had shooted already at the same place. We enjoyed special lights : torches, camp fire and a special light show. While editing I found interesting to include myself in the scene.
The music is a personnal remix from open source libraries provided by the Mixpad software from NHC
Thassia is a trans woman who turns me on very quickly. She is happy to dance for me and play with her penis. Getting it in my anus requires a bit of patient preparation but we it is in there is not limit to a wild grinding.
The music is remix based on copyright free Ticket to Madness Ferbeclaia
Other Videos
Surrealist sex art
Libellule and I partnered a long time ago in an attempt to look at sexuality with different eyes. The present video shows us having sex in front of Guillemin railway station. The green screen effect is not perfect but the atmosphere is bizarre enough. We enjoyed a lot the whole process. We are happy to share the results with the MNLP community.
Tags: dressy happy onthefloor handy 4k gentle dressy afternoon nonbinary intimate polyamorous happy
Black sex story
Lejla and I share a tantalizing taste for lingerie. It is a tremendous turn on and we use and abuse it. The recording of our sexual actions is also developing in a kind of addiction and you may expect more videos soon.
Tags: dressy toytime frontdoor metime
Fusion 01
We had a new S couch and we wanted to use new accessories. Finally, the editing process led to a creativity burst extremely fulfilling. We hope you will enjoy as much as we did.
Tags: dressy frontdoor polyamorous dressy kinky handy frontdoor gopro
Black light erotic ballet
As you all noticed we were in very artistic kinky mood. We spent time to paint the bodies and set the black light on. A lot of extra shooting decorate the original frame. It is a ballet as much as a sex session. We hope you enjoy it. Please comment even if you don't like it.
Tags: Morethemerrier kinky senior cinematic dressy bisexual
Spoon in black stockings
I love stockings and Lejla share this attraction. We enjoy more and more our shootings and the MLNP community. The spoon position is perfect for us, easy and lots of possibilities to play with the hands. Enjoy it
Tags: toytime handy senior cinematic Clitastic ILubeU frontdoor
Love in Cebu
Cheche and I enjoy a very deep communication even if we don't meet as often as we want. She lives in the Philippines and I live in Belgium. This video was recorded during my last visit in the Philippines. We have been a bit reluctant to share it until now but we understand better the social sex revolution now and we are happy to be part of it.
Tags: frombehind lickjob gentle senior gopro polyamorous
Frolicking in the grasses
Samia and I are outdoors fans and we find usually beautiful sceneries where to satisfy us sexually and artistically. Beauty had a special time with us. We hope you will agree.
Tags: intheforest wetime
Riversides are very inspiring
Samia and I are outdoors fans and we find usually beautiful sceneries where to satisfy us sexually and artistically. Beauty had a special time with us. We hope you will agree.
Tags: intheforest wetime SocialSexRevolution French tender joyful intheforest kinky Blowjob wetime
Love and dance in a city park
Jo and Andy found my previous videos very exciting and they requested me to organize a special shooting for them. We choose a city park at the middle of the night. I had shooted already at the same place. We enjoyed special lights : torches, camp fire and a special light show. While editing I found interesting to include myself in the scene. The music is a personnal remix from open source libraries provided by the Mixpad software from NHC
Tags: alfresco Morethemerrier senior cinematic frontdoor Blowjob
Dance and Anal Play
Thassia is a trans woman who turns me on very quickly. She is happy to dance for me and play with her penis. Getting it in my anus requires a bit of patient preparation but we it is in there is not limit to a wild grinding. The music is remix based on copyright free Ticket to Madness Ferbeclaia
Tags: backdoor quickie trans cinematic grinding seductive