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RealWorldSexTime: 12 minutes

I was fired from my job two weeks ago. It didn’t seem real at first; I’ve worked so hard this past year towards my apprenticeship as a carpenter, and have sacrificed a LOT to work Fifty hours a week for someone who, up until the week before he let me go, made it clear I was valued, appreciated and an important member of the team. What happened? Well, in one moment, I simply stood up for myself, and that’s not allowed in this industry. Since losing my job, I’ve found myself jumbled up in the usual stages of grief. Not feeling adequate has been a big shadow in my day to day and I feel like I need a way to reclaim myself. I’m also making time for the things I’ve sacrificed this past year, which have mostly been intimacy… both with myself and my partner. Between you and I, until this week… I’ve hardly masturbated in months. I’ve been busy and tired, hung up in my weight gain… Bogged down with responsibility… and NOT feeling sexy. This week however, something has me overcome with desire to reclaim my sexuality. I want to be touched, I want to touch, I want to explore both personal boundaries and those I have in my long term relationship. I want to feel sexy and desired again, and I want to let the sexual beast inside of me out, shamelessly. And she’s coming alright~ this video marked the third time I made myself come today! While I’ve always had a secret fantasy to voyeuristically share videos of sex and masturbation online, I’ve never had the courage to do it before today. This video is NOT well planned. I have been touching myself all morning to the idea of touching myself on film, and then finally, in front of a mirror in my living room, I got up the courage to press record 🥹 There’s some brief posing in the beginning as I get a sense of myself on camera, and then I go for it, closely filmed and genuinely me. I’m looking forward to the possibility of more video making in the future ;)


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