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RealWorldSexTime: 4 minutes

French and English languages share one sad features : the word cunt (con in French) is used as insult and a slang word for the female genital. Georges Brassens known enough on the Internet, composed a song which proposes to rehabilitate the word cunt as a very beautiful and lovable part of female anatomy. The song is entitled the “Blazon” Here are the first verses Having always got on well with it, I would have liked celebrate, without acting inappropriately, Tender feminine body, your most beautiful feature1 Which everyone who has seen it says is amazing. It would have been my final song, my swan song, My last love letter, my farewell message. But unfortunately the words which designate it Are claimed by the despicable and the execrable. Babou and I tried to honour that spirit of beautification of the word cunt. Babou dances while I sing acapella. It is not a very artistic performance (at least my song) but it will please these familiar with French language who may not know the song. I hope you enjoy it. Comments are very appreciated


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