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RealWorldSexTime: 32 minutes

We all know the weeks can be long, work, kids, laundry. Mr. H and I feel like it is important to try and relax during the busy work week. Last Wednesday was a much need night of relaxing. The key to this girls heart is through my nipples and that’s exactly where Mr. H started. He’s such a good boy. After sucking on my nipples he moved down and began lick and suck on my sweet peach. It felt so good, I wanted to cum right then and there but I resisted and instead began suck on Mr. H’s member. I love the feeling of his cock sliding into the back of my throat, gagging me just a bit. As I was sucking and licking he began thrusting his cock into my mouth and throat. Now I was ready for him, I climbed on top and road him up and down it was amazing, and I got lost in the pleasure. Watch the video and find out how it ends...


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