Member of the #SocialSexRevolution since: May, 24 2013
Boys and their toys.
Toys and their boys.
Tater tots.
SCI-FI CAMP OUT with COLIN/GRAY- Colin and Gray discover glowing crystals on their "camp out". These mystical crystals makes them hungry...for each other's bodies. music by Azoora ft. graciellita "Ugly Weather" from creative commons
Hi there MLNP! ThisIsOurHandle is back with another fantastic video. I (Dale) was visiting my good friend the cameraman in NYC and decided on the morning I was supposed to catch my bus back home to make a little video. So we did. Nothing like strong morning light and weak espresso to start your day. Also: fucking. I missed my bus. Per usual, we do not have audio for this video, so please open a separate browser window and click play on this [video](, then click play on our MLNP video. We hope you enjoy!
We're #realworldfriends and #realworldpornstars. We heard about and wanted to try it out. The audio for our video can be heard here: you start the violin concerto, minimize it but keep the video playing (you want to be able to hear it!).
If anal is taboo, then pegging is idiotically so. For us, it's always just been a part of a healthy, happy and hot sex life. Allow us to demonstrate, we think we'll win you over.rn