Member of the #SocialSexRevolution since: May, 24 2013
Boys and their toys.
Toys and their boys.
Tater tots.
One of the first pregenital sexual organizations is the oral, or if we wish, the cannibalistic. The sexual activity is not yet separated from the taking of nourishment, and the contrasts within the same not yet differentiated. The object of the one activity is also that of the other, the sexual aim consists in the incorporating into one's own body of the object, it is the prototype of that which later plays such an important psychic rôle as identification. As a remnant of this fictitious phase of organization forced on us by pathology we can consider thumbsucking. Here the sexual activity became separated from nourishment activity and the strange object was given up in favor of one from his own body.
Hi there MLNP! ThisIsOurHandle is back with another fantastic video. I (Dale) was visiting my good friend the cameraman in NYC and decided on the morning I was supposed to catch my bus back home to make a little video. So we did. Nothing like strong morning light and weak espresso to start your day. Also: fucking. I missed my bus. Per usual, we do not have audio for this video, so please open a separate browser window and click play on this [video](, then click play on our MLNP video. We hope you enjoy!
We're #realworldfriends and #realworldpornstars. We heard about and wanted to try it out. The audio for our video can be heard here: you start the violin concerto, minimize it but keep the video playing (you want to be able to hear it!).