One night we started getting into it...then were interrupted. As soon as we started again...interrupted. Needless to say we were incredibly horny and a little on edge. We cut out the kid interruptions and what was left was some pretty intimate doggy style with tender cuddling after.
This is our intro video as a couple. We hope you like it. It's short and sweet with lots of colorful filters to protect the identities of the not so innocent. Elle gives Dusty a good lickin'. Please let us know what you think!rnMusic: Take Me Eyes- Dusty
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We Hope You Like It
This is our intro video as a couple. We hope you like it. It's short and sweet with lots of colorful filters to protect the identities of the not so innocent. Elle gives Dusty a good lickin'. Please let us know what you think!rnMusic: Take Me Eyes- Dusty
Tags: married blowjob sensual American loud quickie coupled