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RealWorldSexTime: 30 minutes

This is our experimentation and introduction to BDSM. This is the first video of a three part series, where Ms. Hannable gets tied up, "collared", and has a bit put in her mouth - all at her fervent request. Mr. Hannable quotes Ludacris to describe this series: "Whips and chains, handcuffs, smack a little booty up with my belt, scream help play my game; dracula man I'll get my fangs." (Which I mean, c'mon...that's just kind of funny). To learn more about this 3 part series click [here](http://wp.me/p328Pi-1tp) and [here](http://talkabout.makelovenotporn.tv/2015/09/16/mlnpstars-hannable-show-us-what-great-sexual-communication-looks-like/).


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The third and final instalment into our introduction to BDSM

We have wanted to...

we came home one night feeling frisky...

Our second instalment to our introduction to BDSM.