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RealWorldSexTime: 19 minutes

I recently re-connected with an old lover of mine out in Los Angeles. We discussed recording something for MLNP months ago, but, as many people are due to society for some reason finding problems with doing things like post your sex life on the internet (insert eternal eye-roll here), he was nervous about it negatively affecting his career, etc. Then a couple days ago when I received the email asking for my participation in the Halloween edition, I decided to try my luck and ask again. And I was ECSTATIC to get the response "That sounds fun. I'm in!" I already had my "witch's lair" set up for a movie I'm working on for my website, so I just invited my lover into my lair! We start out in "the lair" and then move into the bedroom and ditch the video lights for the rest of the video. I'm so happy to be back sharing my love with you all. I hope you all enjoy watching!


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