She'd been away for a whole day, so I got naked and awaited her in our bed. It was kinda funny cos she didn't know that I was filming, or how horny I was, so she took a while to join me. I loved letting her know with my tongue how much I'd missed her, which eventually lead to a delightful mutual orgasm at the end. Yum.
Sex at a waterfall in Thailand has been on our list for some time. This video is the day all the stars aligned for us to get naked in nature at a pristine and secret spot on Koh Pangan island. Swimming, licking, sucking, kissing and fucking followed, while the river trickled and the creatures chirped and the breeze swayed in the jungle trees around us. We highly recommend sex in the jungle but, until you make your own, please enjoy ours...
After settling in to our roadtrip airbnb, Honey decided she needed some time devouring Bear...and so it began. As so often happens, the downtime led to some passionate riding and yes, so. many. ORGASMS!!! Enjoy, dear viewers, thanks for being on this ride (😏) with us (PS: wait for the moment where Bear is overwhelmed and worships his queen)
From her point of view as he licks her honey direct from the flower to orgasms so juicy her moans shiver the tent walls, this sensual quickie is your voyeuristic invitation to enjoy and share in our passionate lovemaking
What started as a sleepy morning rapidly escalated into orgasmic lovemaking. Our day had started slow on the farm, and C got N all frisky with a little downtown loving. The camera starts rolling when N, now inescapably aroused, has begun self-pleasuring with coconut oil...the rest is for you to find out, and us to reminisce about
A home-office quickie as C was about to go out and couldn't resist seducing N with a quickie. The filming only starts a bit of the way in cos we were NOT thinking about the video but about devouring one another hungrily upon the office chair. Join us for a delectable blowjob, lickjob and more. We are happy to share and think you will love this one -almost- as much as we did...
The passion of a goodbye lovemaking session. This was our final day together at the end of a two month trip through California and Mexico. We frolicked in the pool, drinking home-made margaritas, and soon moved to the couch for some sweet, hot sexy time. Enjoy...we know we did!
The joy of sharing companionship and lovemaking when the connection is deep on all levels...well, it's a miraculous experience. This lovely lady and I met a few months ago in South Africa and, after I asked her on a date, we quickly became friends and lovers. One morning on a road trip, we made some sweet caravan loving. Lots of giggling, orgasms, passion and fun. Enjoy!
I secretly set up my phone, and proceeded to seduce my ladylove. We were away for my birthday, and had both just been in the hot springs. She looked so gorgeous as she read her book on the bed, I just couldn't resist distracting her...
What started out as a passionate lickjob, with Bear lovingly devouring Honey on the kitchen table, turned into oh so much more as these two randy lovebirds couldn't resist taking it further! Hi, thanks for joining in our little tryst! We were away for a friend's bday weekend, and couldn't resist making use of the beautiful decor in this rental home. We had agreed this was only going to be a lickjob video...but simply could not resist all that followed. I'm sure you'll forgive us ;). rnrnWe also used this intro to thank all of you who are enjoying our videos so much! We never expected this, but you're helping us to pay rent! Thank you, and hope you enjoy this new special offering. As Bear seems to say -and mean- every time, "This is one of my favourites!"
A hidden waterfall enticed us to make sweet love on a rock in the mountains of South Africa. We were pretty nervous about people coming along, which didn't stop us. Bear began by lovingly devouring Honey's sweet pussy, which got them ready for a little #frombehind loving on a rock. An enthusiastic build-up led to a lovely mutual climax...and then an icy dip to bring us to a close. Enjoy, with our love
Other Videos
Sex at a waterfall...
Sex at a waterfall in Thailand has been on our list for some time. This video is the day all the stars aligned for us to get naked in nature at a pristine and secret spot on Koh Pangan island. Swimming, licking, sucking, kissing and fucking followed, while the river trickled and the creatures chirped and the breeze swayed in the jungle trees around us. We highly recommend sex in the jungle but, until you make your own, please enjoy ours...
Tags: handy vacationtime LickJob communicative Blowjob alfresco giggly softserve
So. Many. ORGASMS!!! 🥰🥵
After settling in to our roadtrip airbnb, Honey decided she needed some time devouring Bear...and so it began. As so often happens, the downtime led to some passionate riding and yes, so. many. ORGASMS!!! Enjoy, dear viewers, thanks for being on this ride (😏) with us (PS: wait for the moment where Bear is overwhelmed and worships his queen)
Tags: spirited yes!yes!yes! blissful tender giggly tattooed succulent engaged loud iPhone spirited relaxing Blowjob frontdoor roadtrip YES!YES!YES! sensual passionate longterm
Tent Loving
From her point of view as he licks her honey direct from the flower to orgasms so juicy her moans shiver the tent walls, this sensual quickie is your voyeuristic invitation to enjoy and share in our passionate lovemaking
Tags: quickie Selfie camping tender soclose sensual playful romantic loving LickJob quickie sweet relaxing passionate nipsy succulent YES!YES!YES! frontdoor engaged coupled
a sleepy morning...
What started as a sleepy morning rapidly escalated into orgasmic lovemaking. Our day had started slow on the farm, and C got N all frisky with a little downtown loving. The camera starts rolling when N, now inescapably aroused, has begun self-pleasuring with coconut oil...the rest is for you to find out, and us to reminisce about
Tags: wakeywakey yummy nipsy joyful passionate handy grinding
A home-office quickie...
A home-office quickie as C was about to go out and couldn't resist seducing N with a quickie. The filming only starts a bit of the way in cos we were NOT thinking about the video but about devouring one another hungrily upon the office chair. Join us for a delectable blowjob, lickjob and more. We are happy to share and think you will love this one -almost- as much as we did...
Tags: joyful communicative Blowjob messy LickJob giddyup frontdoor nipsy
The passion of a goodbye...
The passion of a goodbye lovemaking session. This was our final day together at the end of a two month trip through California and Mexico. We frolicked in the pool, drinking home-made margaritas, and soon moved to the couch for some sweet, hot sexy time. Enjoy...we know we did!
Tags: longdistance tender playful roadtrip alfresco vacationtime handy YES!YES!YES!
The joy of sharing companionship
The joy of sharing companionship and lovemaking when the connection is deep on all levels...well, it's a miraculous experience. This lovely lady and I met a few months ago in South Africa and, after I asked her on a date, we quickly became friends and lovers. One morning on a road trip, we made some sweet caravan loving. Lots of giggling, orgasms, passion and fun. Enjoy!
Tags: roadtrip giggly frontdoor giddyup vacationtime YES!YES!YES! Clitastic LickJob
I just couldn't resist...
I secretly set up my phone, and proceeded to seduce my ladylove. We were away for my birthday, and had both just been in the hot springs. She looked so gorgeous as she read her book on the bed, I just couldn't resist distracting her...
Tags: seductive birthday coupled voyeuristic surprise YES!YES!YES! vacationtime
What started out...
What started out as a passionate lickjob, with Bear lovingly devouring Honey on the kitchen table, turned into oh so much more as these two randy lovebirds couldn't resist taking it further! Hi, thanks for joining in our little tryst! We were away for a friend's bday weekend, and couldn't resist making use of the beautiful decor in this rental home. We had agreed this was only going to be a lickjob video...but simply could not resist all that followed. I'm sure you'll forgive us ;). rnrnWe also used this intro to thank all of you who are enjoying our videos so much! We never expected this, but you're helping us to pay rent! Thank you, and hope you enjoy this new special offering. As Bear seems to say -and mean- every time, "This is one of my favourites!"
Tags: inthekitchen communicative succulent Clitastic nipsy frontdoor giddyup YES!YES!YES!
Ecosexual Lickjob
A hidden waterfall enticed us to make sweet love on a rock in the mountains of South Africa. We were pretty nervous about people coming along, which didn't stop us. Bear began by lovingly devouring Honey's sweet pussy, which got them ready for a little #frombehind loving on a rock. An enthusiastic build-up led to a lovely mutual climax...and then an icy dip to bring us to a close. Enjoy, with our love
Tags: joyful vacationtime tattooed ravenous sony joyful longterm Canon playful coupled vacationtime tender engaged quickie camping LickJob alfresco romantic onamountain succulent FromBehind YES!YES!YES!