It was a sunny afternoon. Frostberry had been painting some miniatures that morning and managed to turn me on by lying with yoga pants on.
We enjoy sex on the floor a lot, gives a different perspective to the environment, and the space is bigger and more firm than our bed, less bouncing means more accuracy :D
- JePenne
We took the evening off to dance and reconnect with each other after a long and busy day. JePenne, being extra poofed, got to lay back and simply enjoy the treat 😉
I barged in on Frostberry taking a shower and we took one together. It was cute and cuddly and a bit messy at the end since she was on her period, but that never stops me :)
She struggled a bit kneeling down so we changed the position, it was great! I love her ^^
Frostberry's previous "shower companion" suffered a sudden malfunction and had to be replaced with something new. Not knowing what to look for, we ordered 2 new candidates and decided to try them out together ^^ This is an adventure where Frostberry gets intimidated by sounds, has minor period accidents on the couch and gets pleasantly surprised at the end.
We had a great evening grinding our bodies together. I was on top so I had all the control to drive JePenne to a pleasurable destination, earning myself a high five :F
It is important to de-stress before bed when you work into the late hours of the day. It doesn't have to be some complicated activity, just us staring into each others eyes while relieving some inner pressure :D
Even when you have an active sex life with your partner it is still important to spend some alone time with yourself :3 JePenne was in the shower so Frostberry seized the opportunity to “brush up” on her wand skills.
We put the bed up and had a great evening with kisses, spanks (a bit too many maybe lol), and riding left and right 😁, obviously a chaotic ending as we always have nowadays. Hope you enjoy!
Frostberry attempts to impress JePenne with some casual pole moves but her rusty artist's back soon brings her feet back down to the ground. As a back up plan she dazzles him with her expert oral maneuvers before hopping on for a ride.
JePenne, being overwhelmed by all the bodily attention has to calm her down for a brief moment so he can catch his breath.
The night is long and there is no need to rush :'3
We were trying to get filled with the Christmas spirit with some moody lights and casual sex. Unfortunately real life interfered at least twice, but we managed to squeeze in some chill loving in between ^^
Usually, Frostberry is the one to disarm the moment with possibly funny but inappropriately timed jokes, but this one, turned out to be a team effort. We both have a jolly good time with each other's bodies, most parts of them at least while watching the sunset and local wildlife...JePennes penis on the other hand, eventually decides to tap out because no-one else seems to focus on the sex part... :' C
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